Honorary presidents:Prof. Dr. Christian Roques, ISMH PresidentProf. Dr. Pedro Cantista,ISMH Past PresidentAcad. Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgoviște, AMR PresidentAcad. Prof. Dr. Alexandru Vlad CiureaProf. Dr. Gelu Onose
Presidents:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Olga Surdu, FEMTEC PresidentAssoc. Prof. Dr. Constantin Munteanu, ARB PresidentAssoc. Prof. Dr. Corneliu Dan Blendea, SRMFRB PresidentPresidents of the Scientific Committee:Prof. Dr. Antonela Fioravanti, ISMH Scientific Committee PresidentAssoc. Prof. Valentina Elena Ionescu, Medical Manager of the Techirghiol Balnear & Rehabilitation Sanatorium
President of the Organizing Committee:Roaxana Țucmenu - Manager of the Techirghiol Balnear & Rehabilitation Sanatorium