Congress Committees

Honorary presidents:
Prof. Dr. Christian Roques, ISMH President
Prof. Dr. Pedro Cantista,ISMH Past President
Acad. Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgoviște, AMR President
Acad. Prof. Dr. Alexandru Vlad Ciurea
Prof. Dr. Gelu Onose
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Olga Surdu, FEMTEC President
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Constantin Munteanu, ARB President
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Corneliu Dan Blendea, SRMFRB President
Presidents of the Scientific Committee:
Prof. Dr. Antonela Fioravanti, ISMH Scientific Committee President
Assoc. Prof. Valentina Elena Ionescu, Medical Manager of the Techirghiol Balnear & Rehabilitation Sanatorium
President of the Organizing Committee:
Roaxana Țucmenu - Manager of the Techirghiol Balnear & Rehabilitation Sanatorium